stap, trap
stap, fase
stap, trap
stap, graad
stap, danspas
trede, trap
interval, stap
What is a "step"?
In music, a step refers to the distance between two adjacent notes on the musical scale. There are two types of steps: a whole step and a half step. A whole step consists of two half steps, which means it spans over one note. A half step is the smallest interval in Western music and represents the distance between two adjacent keys on a piano, whether black or white. Steps are fundamental in constructing scales, melodies, and harmonies, and they help determine the overall structure and movement within a piece of music.
afdruk, stap
stap, geluid van een stap
stap, trede
step, step-oefening
stappen, verplaatsen
stappen op, drukken op
overgaan naar, een stap zetten naar
plaatsen, installeren
in trappen maken, terrasvormen