British pronunciation/dɹˈa‌ɪv/
American pronunciation/ˈdɹaɪv/

"drive"의 정의 및 의미

to drive

운전하다, 조종하다

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving
Intransitive: to drive somewhere | to drive in a specific manner | to drive
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You should drive with both hands on the steering wheel.
I usually drive to school, but today I'm taking the bus.
I like to drive along scenic routes to enjoy the countryside.

운전하다, 데려가다

to transport a particular person somewhere using a motor vehicle, particularly a private car
Transitive: to drive sb somewhere
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John 's brother drove him to the train station for his trip.
She drove her children to school every morning.
His friend drove him to the concert because he did n't have a car.

운전하다, 조종하다

to be able or competent enough to fully control a car and make it move towards the direction one desires
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Do you know how to drive?
She's nervous about driving on the highway.
I learned to drive when I was 18.

운전하다, 타다

to be the owner of a particular type of vehicle
Transitive: to drive a particular vehicle
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They drive a minivan for their family trips.
She drives a motorcycle to work.
My neighbor drives a hybrid electric car.

운전하다, 주행하다

(of a motor vehicle) to be controlled by a driver
Intransitive: to drive to a direction
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She watched as a motorcycle drove by with a loud roar.
A delivery truck drives down the street, dropping off packages.

밀다, 확인하다

to move something forward swiftly and forcefully
Transitive: to drive sth into sth
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He used the heavy machinery to drive the pile into the ground during construction.
She used a hammer to drive the nail into the wooden board.

유도하다, 자극하다

to make someone act in a specified way, particularly one that is considered inappropriate or unacceptable
Ditransitive: to drive sb to do sth
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Greed can drive individuals to make unethical decisions in pursuit of wealth.
The fear of failure drove her to push herself beyond her limits.
Competition among team members drove them to excel in their performance.

밀다, 구동하다

to move, propel, or throw with great force
Transitive: to drive sth somewhere
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The wind drove rain against the windowpane.
The strong wind drove the leaves across the street.
Snowflakes were driven horizontally by the strong blizzard.

몰아가다, 자극하다

to push someone to try or work extremely hard to reach a goal
Transitive: to drive sb
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He 's been driving himself too hard lately, and it's affecting his health.
The exploitative factory owner had no regard for labor laws, using every means to drive workers beyond their limits.
The unscrupulous employer implemented strategies to drive employees mercilessly.

촉진하다, 유도하다

to be the influencing factor that causes something to make progress
Transitive: to drive a change or progress
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Healthcare reforms are expected to drive improvements in patient care.
Education is a key factor driving personal and professional growth.
The desire for sustainability is driving changes in consumer behavior.

몰다, 인도하다

to compel a group of animals or people to move in a certain direction
Transitive: to drive sb/sth somewhere
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The firefighters worked tirelessly to drive the residents out of the burning building.
The police officers drove the protesters away from the restricted area.
The shepherd used his staff to drive the flock toward the grazing area.

쫓아내다, 주거를 빼앗다

to compel someone to leave a place, particularly a place they were settled in
Transitive: to drive sb from a place
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The invading army drove the villagers from their homes, leaving the town deserted.
The destruction caused by the wildfire drove hundreds of families from the region.
The war drove thousands of refugees from the region, forcing them to seek shelter in neighboring countries.

동력을 공급하다, 구동하다

to generate the power necessary to make a machine work
Transitive: to drive a machine
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Hydroelectric dams drive the turbines to generate energy.
The waterwheel is used to drive the mill's machinery.
Wind turbines are designed to drive electricity generators.

차다, 때리다

(primarily in ball games) to kick or hit the ball with such force that sends it flying forward
Transitive: to drive a ball somewhere
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With a strong kick, he drove the ball past the goalkeeper and into the net.
His baseball swing allowed him to drive the ball into the outfield.
The soccer player managed to drive the ball into the top corner of the goal.

강제로 열다, 관통하다

to use force in order to create an opening through something
Transitive: to drive an opening through sth
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The construction crew drove a path through the dense forest.
To reach the other side, they had to drive a tunnel through the mountains.
Engineers decided to drive a passage through the bedrock for the new subway line.

진입하다, 돌파하다

(in sports) to advance with the ball toward the goal, aiming to score points or create opportunities for the team
Intransitive: to drive to a direction
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In basketball, the point guard 's ability to drive through the defense is crucial for setting up scoring plays.
In the final minutes of the game, he used his speed to drive past the defenders and score a crucial basket.
During the basketball game, the point guard led a fast break, skillfully dribbling to drive towards the basket for a layup.

드라이브, 입구 도로

a short road or path leading from a street to a building
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Their house was at the end of a long, tree-lined drive.
He pulled into the drive and parked near the front door.
The old stone drive was worn down from years of use.

주행, 운전

the act of traveling in a vehicle, typically an automobile, to reach a destination
drive definition and meaning

가로수길, 대로

a wide scenic road planted with trees
drive definition and meaning


the act of applying force to propel something

구동 메커니즘, 드라이브 장치

a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine

추진력, 동기

a strong desire and determination to succeed
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Her relentless drive to succeed propelled her to the top of her class and earned her a scholarship.
The entrepreneur 's drive was evident in the way he tirelessly worked to turn his startup into a thriving business.
Despite numerous setbacks, his drive kept him focused on his goal of becoming a professional athlete.

드라이브, 티샷

a long, powerful golf shot from the tee

What is a "drive"?

A drive in golf refers to a long, powerful shot usually played from the tee, a small peg that holds the ball at the start of a hole. It is typically made with a driver, a club with a larger head designed to hit the ball a great distance. The goal of a drive is to cover as much distance as possible while keeping the ball on the fairway, the area between the tee and the green. A successful drive helps set up a good position for the next shot, allowing the player to approach the green more easily.

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His drive went straight down the fairway.
She has a powerful drive that impresses everyone.
The drive set him up for an easy approach shot.

몰이, 무리

the act of driving a herd of animals overland

드라이브, 동기

the trait of being highly motivated

드라이브, 강력한 샷

a shot where the player hits the ball with power and speed in racket sports such as tennis and squash

What is a "drive"?

A drive in racquet sports, such as tennis, badminton, and squash, is a fast and powerful shot where the player hits the ball or shuttlecock with a firm and controlled swing. The goal is to send the ball or shuttlecock over the net with speed and accuracy, typically aiming for the opponent's side of the court. A drive shot is often used during rallies to maintain pressure on the opponent by keeping the ball low and fast, making it difficult for them to return. It is one of the most common shots used in these sports for both offense and defense.

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She unleashed a powerful drive down the line for a winner.
His drive forced his opponent into a defensive position.
The drive requires good technique and timing.

드라이브, 장치

(computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium

충동, 욕구

a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
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