to answer
to say, write, or take action in response to a question or situation
Transitive: to answer a question or situation
Please answer the email as soon as possible.
The expert was invited to the conference to answer queries about the new research findings.
He took a moment to answer the email, providing detailed information about the project.
rispondere, dare una risposta
to provide an accurate and satisfactory response to a problem
Transitive: to answer a problem
She answered the math problem correctly, demonstrating a strong understanding of the concept.
She answered the trivia question correctly, winning a prize for her knowledge.
He answered the riddle with ease, showing his quick wit.
rispondere, reagire
to respond to a stimulus by taking appropriate action
Transitive: to answer a signal
She answered the knock on her office door, inviting the visitor inside.
He quickly answered the door, expecting a delivery.
She answered the phone on the first ring, eager to hear from her friend.
rispondere, replicare
to provide a response or justification to counter an accusation or criticisms
Transitive: to answer an accusation or criticisms
The politician answered the allegations of corruption by denying any wrongdoing.
He answered the accusations of fraud by presenting evidence of his innocence.
The student answered the teacher 's accusations of cheating by providing explanations for their actions.
rispondere, soddisfare
to meet a demand or expectation
Transitive: to answer a need or demand
The new product design answers the company 's requirements for innovation.
The technology answers the consumer 's desire for convenience and efficiency.
His proposal answered the client 's demands for cost-effectiveness.
corrispondere a, essere in accordo con
to correspond with or to be consistent with something
Transitive: to answer sth
His account of the events did n't quite answer the witness 's testimony.
Her actions answered her words, demonstrating sincerity and integrity.
The final report answered the initial objectives set out by the research team.
rispondere di, essere responsabile di
be liable or accountable
Intransitive: to answer for sth
servire, sufficiente
to be adequate or sufficient for fulfilling a particular function
Intransitive: to answer for a purpose or function
risposta, responso
something we say, write, or do when we are replying to a question
We eagerly awaited the expert 's answer to our inquiry about the mysterious phenomenon.
She provided a concise answer to the interviewer 's question during the job interview.
She asked a challenging question, and it took me a while to find the answer.
a solution to a problem or a way out of a predicament
risposta, replica
the speech act of replying to a question
reazione, risposta non verbale
a nonverbal reaction
Please answer the email as soon as possible.
The expert was invited to the conference to answer queries about the new research findings.
He took a moment to answer the email, providing detailed information about the project.
The job interviewee confidently answered all the questions posed by the interviewer.

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