to judge
ítélkezik, megítél
to form a decision or opinion based on what one knows
Transitive: to judge sth
She judges the quality of the book based on its plot and character development.
He judges the candidate's qualifications before making a hiring decision.
They judge the safety of the neighborhood by observing its crime rate and infrastructure.
bírálni, ítélni
to determine the outcome or rankings of a competition or contest
Transitive: to judge a contest or its contestants
She was asked to judge the local spelling bee this year.
The celebrity chef will judge the dessert round of the cooking contest.
The audience watched eagerly as the jury began to judge the finalists.
ítélkezik, dönt
to decide whether or not a person is innocent in a court of law
Transitive: to judge a person or their actions
The jury will judge the defendant based on the evidence presented during the trial.
It is his duty to impartially judge the facts of the case.
The court system is designed to judge the defendant's actions according to the law.
megítél, megbecsül
to form an estimation about the size, amount, etc. of something
Transitive: to judge size or amount of something
It 's difficult to judge how much food we need for the party.
I ca n't judge the weight of this package without a scale.
It 's hard to judge the cost of the repairs until we get a quote.
ítélkezik, bírál
to decide whether someone is guilty or innocent in a court of law
Complex Transitive: to judge sb [adj]
The lawyer hoped the judge would judge her client not guilty.
The jury judged him guilty of stealing the car.
The court judged her innocent after the trial.
The judge listened to both sides of the case before making a ruling.
She was appointed as a federal judge by the president.
He 's known for being a fair and impartial judge in the courtroom.
téves operáció, rossz helyen végzett műtét
a surgical operation performed on the wrong part of the body
bíró, ítélő
an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality
bíró, ítélkező
someone who possesses the necessary knowledge or ability to form or give an opinion about something or someone