to confuse
confondre, déroger à
to make someone uncertain or unclear about something, causing them unable to understand it
Transitive: to confuse sb
The complicated instructions confused the students during the experiment.
The conflicting information in the report confused the readers.
His vague explanations only served to confuse the audience further.
to misunderstand or mistake a thing as something else or a person for someone else
Transitive: to confuse sth
She confused her coworker's instructions with those of her manager, leading to a mix-up in the project requirements.
I accidentally confused the dates of the meetings and missed the first one.
His thick accent occasionally led people to confuse his words, resulting in humorous misunderstandings during conversations.
confondre, embrouiller
to make something harder to understand by adding complexity
Transitive: to confuse an issue or process
The new instructions only confused the process, making it harder to follow.
The detailed explanation seemed to confuse the issue rather than clarify it.
His overcomplicated answer only served to confuse the simple question.
confondre, melanger
to combine or arrange things in a disorganized or chaotic manner
Transitive: to confuse sth
He confused the puzzle pieces, making it impossible to put it together.
The children confused their toys, leaving a huge mess in the living room.
The files were confused on the desk, and he could n’t locate the one he needed.
dérouter, embarrasser
to cause someone to feel embarrassed, awkward, or self-conscious
Transitive: to confuse sb
The unexpected compliment confused her, making her blush.
The mistake during her presentation confused her, leaving her flustered.
The attention from the crowd confused him, causing him to stumble over his words.

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