پیچ (ابزار)
*توپ پارچه
What is a "bolt"?
A bolt is a long roll or cylinder of fabric or material that typically measures around 40 to 100 yards in length and is used to cut and create multiple garments or other textile products. Bolts are typically stored upright on shelves or racks and are often wrapped in plastic or other protective material to prevent dust or damage. Bolts come in various widths and are made of a variety of materials, including cotton, silk, wool, or synthetic fibers. They are an important component of the textile industry and are used in a wide range of applications, from fashion and apparel to home décor and upholstery.
قفل, زاری
رعد و برق, صاعقه
فرار, دویدن سریع
پیچ, زنجیر
فرار, ترک
بست کردن, محکم کردن
فرار کردن, گریختن
ناگهانی حرکت کردن
*بدون جویدن خوردن
فرار کردن, گریختن