directo, franco
having a plain and sometimes harsh way of expressing thoughts or opinions
Instead of sugarcoating the feedback, she gave a blunt assessment of the project's shortcomings.
His blunt refusal to participate in the discussion left the team surprised and disappointed.
The politician 's blunt response to the reporter's question revealed a lack of diplomacy.
desafilado, rompido
not sharp or having a dull edge, making it ineffective for cutting or piercing
The blunt knife struggled to slice through the tough meat.
He used a blunt pencil to fill in the form.
The blunt scissors could n't cut through the thick paper.
romo, sin punta
lacking a sharp or pointed edge
The toddler 's crayon had a blunt end, making it safe for coloring.
The table leg was blunt, with a rounded end to prevent injuries from bumps.
The butter knife had a blunt edge, suitable for spreading butter on bread.
directo, tosco
devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment
to blunt
mitigar, atenuar
make less intense
embotar, desgastar
to make something less sharp, often referring to an edge or point, resulting in a decreased ability to cut or pierce
The chef had to blunt the knife's edge after it became dull from frequent use.
She accidentally blunted the tip of the pencil while writing too forcefully.
The heavy use of the tool caused its once sharp blade to blunt quickly, requiring maintenance.
debilitar, atenuar
make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation
desafilar, embotar
to become less sharp or to lose the ability to cut or pierce effectively over time or through use
The knife began to blunt after repeated use on tough meats.
Over time, the edges of the tools will blunt if they are not properly maintained.
The once sharp blade has started to blunt, making it ineffective for precise cuts.
He attempted to blunt his anger by taking deep breaths and counting to ten.
The therapist taught her techniques to blunt her anxiety during stressful situations.
She found that meditation helped to blunt her racing thoughts before bedtime.