Stück, Scheibe
Teil, Anteil
a type of shot where the ball curves unintentionally to the right for right-handed golfers or to the left for left-handed golfers in flight
What is a "slice"?
A slice in golf is a shot where the ball curves sharply to the right, for a right-handed player, or to the left, for a left-handed player, in the air, often making it veer off course. It happens when the ball spins too much in one direction, usually due to an incorrect swing path or the clubface being tilted at impact. A slice is generally an undesirable shot, as it can cause the ball to miss the target or land in difficult areas like trees or hazards. Players often work on their swing to avoid slicing the ball.
Schnitt, Wunde
Spachtel, Malerspachtel
Scheibe, Stück
schnitzen, schneiden
schneiden, aufschneiden
slice, aufschlitzen
slice, aufschneiden