The twins received equal portions of cake for their birthdays.
All students in the class were given equal time to present their projects.
Sarah and David each received an equal share of the profits from their business venture.
rovný, ekvivalentní
having the resources or qualities needed to accomplish a task
rovný, stejní
(of people) provided with the same opportunities, rights, or status, regardless of their characteristics or background
to equal
rovnat se, odpovídat
to be the same as something in value, meaning, or effect
Transitive: to equal sth
In this context, wealth equals power and influence.
In his argument, technological progress equals environmental destruction.
The recipe states that one tablespoon of sugar equals three teaspoons.
rovnat se, být rovný
to be the same size, value, number, etc. as something
Transitive: to equal a number or value
rovnat se, dosáhnout stejné úrovně jako
to reach the same level or ability as someone or something else
Transitive: to equal an achievement
The sequel equals the original movie in excitement and storytelling.
Her singing talent equals that of the most famous performers.
The runner ’s speed equals the record set last year.
vyrovnat, sjednotit
to make things the same in amount, size, or quality
Transitive: to equal sth
The teacher rearranged the groups to equal the number of students in each.
The adjustments were made to equal the performance of the two machines.
She adjusted the ingredients to equal the portions in each dish.
rovný, partner
a person who is of equal standing with another in a group
The twins received equal portions of cake for their birthdays.
All students in the class were given equal time to present their projects.
Sarah and David each received an equal share of the profits from their business venture.
Both teams scored an equal number of goals, resulting in a tie game.
The company prides itself on providing equal pay for equal work to all employees.
Blízká Slova