অনুসন্ধান করুন
to cram
ভরে ফেলতে হওয়া, গাদার মাধ্যমে পূর্ণ করা
to forcefully or tightly pack a space with a large amount of something
Transitive: to cram sth somewhere
In preparation for the move, they needed to cram their belongings into boxes.
Trying to organize the closet, she had to cram the shoes onto the shelf.
The chef had to cram the chopped vegetables into the pot for the stew.
ভিড় করা, গাদিয়ে রাখা
to fill or pack a container with people or objects that seem to exceed its capacity
Transitive: to cram a container with sth
The tiny closet was crammed with clothes, making it difficult to find anything.
The movers crammed the moving van with furniture and boxes, making sure to utilize every inch of space.
The airplane overhead compartments were crammed with carry-on luggage.
গাদান, পড়াশোনা করতে বাধ্য করা
to force or rush someone to study or memorize information within a short period
Transitive: to cram sb
The teacher decided to cram her students before the final exam to ensure they covered all the key topics.
Feeling unprepared, Sarah asked her friend to cram her with important formulas the night before the math test.
As the deadline approached, the tutor crammed the struggling student with strategies for essay writing.
জোরপূর্বক পড়া, ফাঁস দেওয়া
to engage in intense and concentrated studying within a limited timeframe, typically right before an examination
As the final exams approached, Sarah had to cram all night to catch up on the semester's material.
Feeling unprepared, Jack decided to cram for his history test the night before.
Mark spent the entire weekend cramming for the certification exam.