অনুসন্ধান করুন
He set up a small stall to sell handmade jewelry.
The flower stall on the corner always has the best roses.
Street vendors filled the square, each running a different stall.
বিড়ি (Biri), স্থল (Sthal)
a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed
ঘর, বক্স
small area set off by walls for special use
অবস্থান, নষ্টকরণ
a tactic used to mislead or delay
স্টল, ছোট অধ্যয়ন এলাকা
small individual study area in a library
স্টল, নাটক পর্দার কাছে আসন
the seats that are located near the stage in a theater
We bought tickets for the stalls to get a closer view of the play.
The stalls were packed with enthusiastic theatergoers on opening night.
She prefers sitting in the stalls because the sound is clearer near the stage.
স্টল, অত্যাধিক নিচে পড়া
a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge
to stall
When asked about the delay, he stalled by talking about unrelated matters.
He stalled during the meeting, hoping the decision would be postponed.
The politician stalled when reporters asked difficult questions.
অযথা বিলম্ব করা, নিষ্ক্রিয় করা
to intentionally delay or prevent someone from proceeding with something
Transitive: to stall sb
She stalled him by talking about unrelated topics.
The politician stalled the voters with vague answers.
He stalled his boss by claiming he needed more data to finish the report.
বন্দী হওয়া, অগ্রসর হওয়া বন্ধ করা
to cease to make progress or move forward
The project stalled when the team ran out of resources.
The meeting stalled because no one could agree on the next step.
The negotiations stalled after the first round of talks.
গাড়ির ইঞ্জিন বন্ধ হওয়া, গাড়িকে থামানো
to cause a car's engine to stop working
Transitive: to stall an engine or vehicle
He stalled the car when he shifted gears too quickly.
The driver accidentally stalled the engine while trying to start it on a steep hill.
The mechanic warned him not to stall the engine when the car was in gear.
স্টল করা, লিফট হারানো
to cause an aircraft to lose lift and begin falling
Transitive: to stall an aircraft
The pilot stalled the plane during the practice maneuver.
The instructor demonstrated how to stall an aircraft safely in training.
He accidentally stalled the plane when he pulled up too steeply.
স্টল করা, লিফট হারানো
(of an aircraft) to lose lift and begin falling
The pilot quickly regained control after the plane began to stall.
The aircraft stalled due to a sharp turn at low speed.
The engine failure caused the plane to stall mid-flight.
বন্দী করা, স্থাপিত করা
to place something or someone into a small, enclosed space
Transitive: to stall an animal
The farmer stalled the horse in the barn for the night.
They stalled the cows in separate pens to make milking easier.
The stable worker stalled the donkey after its long journey.
স্টল করা, থেমে যাওয়া
(of a vehicle or engine) to stop suddenly and unexpectedly, especially because of a lack of fuel or mechanical issues
Cars often stall when the fuel tank is empty.
The engine is stalling because it needs a tune-up.
She has stalled twice this week due to a faulty ignition system.