অনুসন্ধান করুন
to put on
[phrase form: put]
পরা, পরিধান করা
to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.
Transitive: to put on clothes
রান্না করা শুরু করা, জ্বালানো
to begin cooking or heating something, especially on a stove
Transitive: to put on sth
ওজন বাড়ানো, মোটা হওয়া
to gain weight, often in a short period of time
Transitive: to put on weight
প্রদর্শন করা, নাটক করা
to stage a play, a show, etc. for an audience
Transitive: to put on a play or performance
They are putting on a musical at the local theater next month.
যোগ করা, দৃঢ়তা বৃদ্ধি করা
to increase the mileage on a vehicle's odometer
Transitive: to put on mileage
ভান করা, মূর্তি তৈরি করা
to engage in a behavior with the intention of fooling someone
Transitive: to put on a behavior
প্রয়োগ করা, মাখা
to apply a substance to one's skin, such as lotion
Transitive: to put on a substance
আয়োজিত করা, উপস্থাপন করা
to organize and present a show or event by making necessary preparations and providing the required equipment
Transitive: to put on a show
চালু করা, অন করা
to turn on a device or machine, such as a television or computer
Transitive: to put on a device or machine
স্থানান্তর করা, যোগাযোগ করানো
to transfer a telephone call to someone else
Transitive: to put on sb | to put on sb to sb
নির্দেশ করা, চিকিৎসা দেওয়া
to prescribe a medical treatment or medication to someone
Ditransitive: to put on sb a drug or treatment
চালানো, রিপ্রোডিউস করা
to start playing a recorded piece of music, speech, or other audio
Transitive: to put on a recording
যোগ করা, আরোপ করা
to increase the cost of something by adding an amount of money or tax to its original price
Transitive: to put on an amount of money or tax
বেট লাগানো, জুয়া খেলা
to place a bet on a particular outcome or event
Transitive: to put on a sum of money
put on
ভণ্ড, প্রতারণামূলক
adopted in order to deceive
নিকটবর্তী শব্দ