Tìm kiếm
What is a "rat"?
Rats are medium-sized rodents known for their adaptability and widespread distribution. They have pointed snouts, large ears, and long tails. Rats come in various species and colors, and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. Rats are known for their intelligence, agility, and ability to thrive in a wide range of habitats, including urban areas. They are typically omnivorous, feeding on a variety of foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and sometimes insects or small animals. Rats are known for their rapid reproduction, and they can reproduce quickly and have large litters. Rats have been both vilified as pests due to their ability to damage crops and spread disease, as well as praised for their contributions to scientific research and as pets in some cultures.
chuột, miếng đệm
chuột, kẻ phản bội
người phá hoại đình công, kẻ phản bội
điệp viên, người tố cáo
tạo độ phồng
phản bội, rời bỏ
thay thế, nhận việc của (người đình công)
phản bội, sử dụng bẻ đỡ
bắt chuột, săn chuột