each of the long thin parts that are connected to our hands, sometimes the thumb is not included
What is a "finger"?
A finger is a slender and flexible digit located at the end of the hand, typically numbering five on each hand. It consists of multiple bones called phalanges, along with muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. Fingers play a crucial role in gripping, grasping, manipulating objects, and performing intricate tasks. They contribute to fine motor skills, sensory perception, and communication through gestures. Understanding the anatomy and function of fingers is important for hand coordination, dexterity, and overall manual abilities.
dedo, dedo da luva
one of the parts of a glove that provides covering for a finger or thumb
dedo, largura do dedo
the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure
to finger
tocar com os dedos, manipular com os dedos
to touch or handle something using the fingers
Transitive: to finger sth
marcar, indicar os dedos
to mark notation with signs indicating which fingers should be used to play particular musical notes or passages
Transitive: to finger a musical composition
consultar, verificar
to query or retrieve information about a user on a remote system using the Finger protocol
Transitive: to finger sb
apontar, delatar
to identify or point out someone as the person responsible for committing a crime or wrongdoing, often to law enforcement or other authorities
Transitive: to finger a criminal
Under pressure from the authorities, the accomplice finally agreed to finger his partner in the smuggling operation.
The informant was willing to finger the drug lord to the authorities in exchange for immunity.
The detective hoped that the victim would be able to finger the perpetrator from the lineup of suspects.
Palavras Próximas