odcień, ton
What is "tone"?
Tone refers to the lightness or darkness of a particular color, distinguishing it from other colors on a scale from light to dark. It describes how light or dark a color appears, with lighter tones being closer to white and darker tones approaching black. For example, light blue and dark blue share the same hue but differ in tone due to their different levels of lightness or darkness. Tone is an essential characteristic in color perception, affecting the mood, visual impact, and overall impression of a color.
ton, intonacja
What is "tone"?
Tone refers to the use of pitch in spoken language to convey meaning, distinguishing words or phrases based on their pitch patterns. In tonal languages, the same sequence of sounds can have different meanings depending on the pitch used. For example, in Mandarin Chinese, the syllable "ma" can mean "mother," "hemp," "horse," or "scold," depending on the tone applied. Tone is crucial for understanding and communicating in tonal languages, as it affects not only the meaning of words but also the overall intonation and emotional expression in speech.
What is "tone"?
Tone in music refers to the quality or character of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds. It encompasses aspects such as pitch, timbre, and volume. Tone helps define how a note or sound is perceived, whether it is bright, warm, harsh, or smooth. It is influenced by the instrument or voice producing the sound and how it is played or sung. Tone contributes to the overall mood and expression of the music.
ton, interwał
ton, nastrój
ton, dźwięk
ton, interwał
tonus, napięcie mięśniowe
ton, barwa
uformować, wzmocnić
tonować, nastroić
tonować, intonować
tonować, nadać ton