stuiteren, springen
terugkomen, terugsturen
stuiteren, wegglijden
stuiten, terugkaatsen
stuiteren, bouncen
(of a check) to be returned by a bank due to insufficient funds or other issues
to forcefully remove or expel someone from a place or property
to return a check to the payee due to issues such as insufficient funds
volume, dikte
veervermogen, elasticiteit
stuit, sprongetje
do something in turns
stuiter, stuit
an email that failed to be delivered to the intended recipient due to various reasons, such as an invalid or non-existent email address, a full mailbox, or the recipient's mail server issues
What is a "bounce"?
A bounce refers to a message that is returned to the sender because it could not be delivered to the intended recipient. This can happen for several reasons, such as an incorrect email address, a full inbox, or issues with the recipient's email server. When an email bounces, the sender typically receives a notification that explains why the email could not be delivered.