to leaven
발효시키다, 이스트를 넣다
to add a substance, such as yeast, to dough or batter, causing it to rise and become lighter during the baking process
Transitive: to leaven dough or batter
She leavens her bread by carefully mixing in yeast and allowing it to ferment, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.
The baker knows exactly how much yeast to use to leaven the dough.
Traditional sourdough bread is leavened by natural fermentation.
여기다, 부풀리다
to spread through something and cause positive change or enhancement
Transitive: to leaven a place or situation
Her optimism leavened the tense atmosphere, making everyone feel more at ease.
His humor leavened the otherwise serious discussion, lightening the mood.
A sense of hope leavened the community as they worked together to rebuild after the disaster.
세련되게 하는 영향, 변화를 주는 영향
an influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something
누룩, 발효제
a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid