to stoop
menundukkan badan, berjongkok
to bend the upper side of one's body forward
When talking to the child, the adult would stoop to get on the same eye level.
In the cramped attic, the explorer had to stoop to navigate through the narrow space.
She had to stoop to pick up the fallen papers from the floor.
membungkuk, menunduk
to habitually have the head and shoulders bent forward
The elderly woman stooped slightly as she pushed her grocery cart through the store.
The scholar, engrossed in books and research, would often stoop while studying for long hours.
Despite her relatively young age, the office worker stooped over her desk.
menukik, menyongsong
(of a bird of prey) to descend or dive towards a target or quarry during an attack
The falcon stooped from great heights to capture a bird mid-flight.
With incredible speed and precision, the eagle stooped down from the sky to catch a fish.
The falcon stooped gracefully, its powerful wings tucked close as it closed in on the field mouse.
menundukkan, membungkukkan
to cause something to bend or incline downward
Transitive: to stoop sth
The artist stooped the paintbrush, applying gentle strokes to the canvas.
The heavy snow on the branches stooped the trees, making them bow under the weight.
As the construction worker stooped the beam into place, the structure started to take form.
merendahkan diri, mengorbankan prinsip
to compromise one's moral principles or integrity by engaging in actions, behaviors, or decisions that are considered morally inferior
Transitive: to stoop to an immoral action or behavior
To achieve success, the actor decided not to stoop to compromising roles that went against personal values.
kemiringan, condong
an inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward
tangga, beranda
a raised area that has steps and is located just outside the door of a house
tempat air suci, baskom air suci
basin for holy water
When talking to the child, the adult would stoop to get on the same eye level.
In the cramped attic, the explorer had to stoop to navigate through the narrow space.
She had to stoop to pick up the fallen papers from the floor.
The elderly man stooped to tie his shoelaces, struggling with the task due to his stiff joints.
To enter the small doorway, everyone had to stoop slightly to avoid hitting their heads.