csúszni, elcsúszni
kicsúszni, elmenekülni
besuszanni, betenni
csúszni, csúszkálni
romlik, csökken
csúszni, hibázni
csúszni, csúszkálni
kicsúszik, elfelejt
csúsztatni, csúszni
pizsama, slip
What is a "slip"?
A slip is a type of undergarment that is typically worn by women underneath dresses or skirts. It is a lightweight and often silky garment that is designed to be worn between the body and the outer clothing. Slips come in various lengths, ranging from mini to full length, and are usually made from materials such as nylon, silk, or cotton. They are often fitted at the top and flared at the bottom, allowing them to be worn comfortably under a variety of clothing styles. Slips serve several functions, including providing an additional layer of coverage and smoothing out the lines of the outer garment. They can also help to prevent the outer garment from clinging to the body or from becoming transparent in certain lighting conditions.
párnahuzat, párnaelő
csúszás, esés
baleset, baklövés
baki, hibás
csúszás, elcsúszás
menekülés, megszökés
csúszás, csúszkálás
lap, cédula
papírlap, cédula
csúszóság, sima
kikötő, rakpart
fiatal vékony, slank fiú
gyökérdarab, csúszás
agyagmáz, agyagkeverék
What is "slip"?
Slip is a liquid mixture of clay and water used for decorating or joining pieces of pottery. It has a creamy consistency and can be applied to the surface of clay objects to create designs or as a coating before firing. Slip can also be used to attach handles or other parts to ceramic pieces. Once the ceramic piece is fired in a kiln, the slip becomes a permanent part of the finished object.
első slip, slip pozíció