to note
megfigyel, jegyez
to observe and pay attention to something
Transitive: to note sth
As she walked through the garden, she noted the vibrant colors of the flowers.
She always notes the small details in her surroundings, appreciating the beauty in everyday moments.
The tour guide advised the group to note the historical significance of each monument they visited.
jegyezni, rögzíteni
to record something in writing
Transitive: to note a piece of information
He noted the directions on a piece of paper for later use.
She noted the important details in her notebook during the meeting.
She quickly noted the phone number on her notepad.
megjegyez, említeni
to mention or comment on something to make it stand out.
Transitive: to note sth
The guide noted the historical significance of the building.
The article noted several key trends in the industry.
He noted the improvements in the project during the presentation.
jegyzet, note
a short piece of writing that helps us remember something
The meeting minutes were recorded in detailed notes.
The travel guide provided helpful notes for exploring the city 's attractions.
Mark jotted down some notes during the lecture to review later.
nota, jel
a written sign or symbol indicating a single tone of particular pitch and length made by a vocal or musical instrument
The notes on the sheet music indicated a fast tempo.
He marked the notes on his music with a pencil.
The composer wrote a high note for the soprano.
bankjegy, pénzjegy
paper money issued by a government or financial institution that is used to buy goods and services
They collected various foreign notes as souvenirs from their travels.
The bank issued a new series of notes with enhanced security features.
He found an old note tucked away in his wallet.
The boss left a note of appreciation on the employee 's desk for a job well done.
John passed a funny note to his classmate during the boring lecture.
Sarah sent a sweet note to her friend to wish her good luck on the exam.
intonáció, jegy
a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling
hangjegy, érzelmi minőség
a characteristic emotional quality
megjegyzés, feljegyzés
a comment or instruction (usually added)
váltó, jegy
a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time
jegyzet, fontosság
high status importance owing to marked superiority
As she walked through the garden, she noted the vibrant colors of the flowers.
She always notes the small details in her surroundings, appreciating the beauty in everyday moments.
The tour guide advised the group to note the historical significance of each monument they visited.
As a detective, he trained himself to note even the slightest changes in the crime scene.
Közeli Szavak