designed to resemble the real thing but lacking authenticity
The fake designer handbag was sold at a fraction of the price of the authentic version.
The fake antique vase was carefully crafted to resemble genuine artifacts from the Ming Dynasty.
The fake painting was passed off as a masterpiece until experts discovered it was a forgery.
faux, fausse
intentionally misleading or deceptive
to fake
imiter, contrefaire
to copy something original in order to mislead others
Transitive: to fake sth
The students faked their friend 's handwriting to excuse their absence from class.
She faked the logo of a well-known brand to produce counterfeit merchandise.
The artist was accused of faking famous paintings and selling them as originals.
The actor had to fake tears for the emotional scene.
He faked an injury to get sympathy from his teammates.
She faked a headache to avoid going to the meeting.
falsifier, finir
to change or manipulate something to make it appear real or authentic when it is not
Transitive: to fake sth
She faked the test results to hide her poor performance.
She faked the receipts to cover up her personal expenses.
The document was faked to deceive the authorities.
The fake designer handbag was sold at a fraction of the price of the authentic version.
The fake antique vase was carefully crafted to resemble genuine artifacts from the Ming Dynasty.
The fake painting was passed off as a masterpiece until experts discovered it was a forgery.
The fake diamond ring was made of cubic zirconia, designed to mimic the appearance of a real diamond.
The counterfeit watch was identified as fake, lacking the quality and craftsmanship of the genuine product.
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