British pronunciation/kɹˈa‍ʊn/
American pronunciation/ˈkɹaʊn/

"crown"এর সংজ্ঞা এবং অর্থ


মুকুট পরানো, মুকুট দেয়া

to place a crown on someone's head in a ceremony so that person officially becomes a king or queen
Transitive: to crown a ruler
to crown definition and meaning
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In the elaborate coronation ceremony, the Archbishop will crown the new monarch.
As tradition dictates, the queen 's eldest son will be crowned upon the death of the reigning monarch.

পূর্ণতা দেওয়া, সম্পূর্ণ করা

to complete or perfect something, particularly by adding an accomplishment, a success, etc.
Transitive: to crown an endeavor or period
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Winning the championship game crowned their season of hard work.
The successful launch of the project crowned months of planning and preparation.

দাঁত মুকুট করা, দাঁতের ওপর প্রহরী দেওয়া

to place a protective cover over a damaged or decayed tooth
Transitive: to crown a tooth
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The dentist will crown the tooth to prevent it from breaking.
He needed to crown his molar after it became too weak to function.

গঠন সম্পূর্ণ করা, সৌন্দর্য বা গুণ দেয়া

to complete a structure, often to add beauty or distinction
Transitive: to crown a structure
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The mountain was crowned with snow, creating a picturesque view.
A beautiful temple crowns the hill, visible from miles away.

টার্ক, শিরোভূষা

the top part of a hat that covers the crown of the head
crown definition and meaning

What is a "crown"?

A crown is a part of the headwear that fits over the top of the wearer's head and provides its distinctive shape. The crown can be rounded, flat, or sloping, and it is often decorated with ribbons, bands, or other embellishments. The height of the crown can also vary depending on the style of the hat, such as a top hat with a tall, cylindrical crown or a baseball cap with a low, rounded crown. The crown is an essential component of the hat's overall design and can contribute significantly to its functionality and fashion appeal.


মুকুট, রাজমুকুট

a round object often decorated with gems that kings or queens put on their heads as a symbol of power and authority
crown definition and meaning
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The queen 's crown was adorned with intricate jewels and was a symbol of her royal status.
রাজমুকুটটি জটিল রত্নে সজ্জিত ছিল এবং এটি তার রাজকীয় মর্যাদার একটি প্রতীক।
The crown was passed down through generations, representing the continuity of the royal lineage.
মুকুট প্রজন্ম থেকে প্রজন্মে স্থানান্তরিত হয়েছে, যা রাজ পরিবারটির ধারাবাহিকতা প্রকাশ করে।

দাঁতের তাজ, দাঁতের শিরোভূষণ

the visible part of the tooth above the gumline, used for biting and chewing
crown definition and meaning

What is a "crown"?

A crown refers to a dental restoration that covers the visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth. It is custom-made to match the shape, size, and color of the natural tooth and is placed over the prepared tooth to restore its functionality and appearance. Crowns are typically made from materials such as porcelain, metal alloys, or a combination of both. They protect the underlying tooth structure, enhance its strength, and can improve its alignment and aesthetics. Crowns are commonly used for teeth with extensive decay, fractures, root canal-treated teeth, or to anchor dental bridges or dental implants.

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Brushing and flossing help keep the crown of your teeth clean.
ব্রাশ করা এবং ফ্লস ব্যবহার করা আপনার দাঁতের তাজ পরিষ্কার রাখতে সহায়তা করে।
The dentist examined the crown of the tooth for signs of decay.
দাঁতের ডাক্তার দাঁতের তাজের বিকৃতির জন্য পরীক্ষা করলেন।

মুকুট, শিরদেশ

the top of the head
crown definition and meaning

শिखর, চূড়া

the top point of something, typically referring to the highest part of a mountain or hill
crown definition and meaning
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The hikers finally reached the crown of the mountain after a challenging ascent.
The view from the crown of the hill offered a panoramic perspective of the valley below.

মুকুট, জেতার মালা

a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory

মুকুট, রাজমুকুট

the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy

সোজা পথের মাঝের উঁচু অংশ, রাস্তার কেন্দ্রবিন্দু

the center of a cambered road

দাঁতের আবরণ, দাঁতের মুকুট

(dentistry) a tooth-shaped covering used to restore and strengthen a damaged or weakened tooth

What is a "crown"?

A crown is a type of tooth covering used to restore a damaged tooth's shape, size, and strength. It is placed over the existing tooth, covering it entirely to improve its appearance and function. Crowns are typically made from materials like metal, porcelain, or a combination of both and are commonly used to repair broken teeth or after procedures like root canals.

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The dentist recommended a crown for my chipped tooth.
ডেন্টিস্ট আমার ভাঙা দাঁতের জন্য দাঁতের আবরণ সুপারিশ করেছেন।
The dental team crafted a crown to match her natural tooth color.
দাঁতের মুকুট বানানোর জন্য দাঁতের দলে তার প্রাকৃতিক দাঁতের রঙের সাথে মিলিয়ে তৈরি করা হয়েছে।

মুকুট, জয়কর মুকুট

the award given to the champion

মুকুট, শীর্ষস্থান

the top part of a tree or other plant
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The bird built its nest in the crown of the tall oak tree, safe from predators.
পাখিটি উঁচু ওকের গাছের মুকুটে তার বাসা তৈরি করেছে, শিকারী থেকে নিরাপদ।
The crown of the sunflower turned to follow the sun throughout the day.
সূর্যমুখীর মুকুট সারাদিন সূর্যের পিছনে ফিরেছিল।

ক্রাউন, পঞ্চশিলিং

an English coin worth 5 shillings

কাঁঠার মোড়, শিরোপা

the decorative topmost part of a building, typically located at the roofline or the highest point of a structure

What is a "crown"?

In architecture, a crown refers to a decorative element that typically sits at the top of a structure, such as a column, arch, or dome. This feature often has a rounded or ornamental design, serving both aesthetic and symbolic purposes. The crown can enhance the overall appearance of the building, adding elegance and detail to the top of architectural elements. It can be made from various materials, including stone, plaster, or metal, and may include intricate carvings or patterns that contribute to the overall style and character of the structure.

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