অনুসন্ধান করুন
to wish
কামনা করা (kamona kora), আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা (akanksha kora)
to desire something to occur or to be true even though it is improbable or not possible
Transitive: to wish that
He regularly wishes he could travel the world.
They wished they had invested in the stock market years ago.
I wish I could fly like a bird and see the world from above.
চাইতে (chaite), কামনা করা (kamona kora)
to want to do or have something
Transitive: to wish to do sth
They wish to build a new house in the countryside.
She wishes to improve her skills in painting by taking a class.
She wishes to travel more after finishing her studies.
ইচ্ছা করা, প্রার্থনা করা
to hope or want something to be in a particular state
Complex Transitive: to wish sth [adj]
She wished the misunderstanding resolved without any conflict.
He wished the problem solved, but no easy solutions existed.
They wished the conflict settled before it escalated further.
ইচ্ছা করা, প্রার্থনা করা
to express a desire or hope for something to happen in the future
Intransitive: to wish for sth
On her birthday, she closed her eyes and wished for a peaceful year ahead.
They wished for happiness as they celebrated the new year together.
Before starting the new project, he silently wished for everything to go smoothly.
ইচ্ছা করা, কামনা করা
to convey a desire for someone to experience happiness, success, or good fortune
Ditransitive: to wish sb good fortune
I wish you all the best on your new adventure!
Before the trip, I wished them a safe and enjoyable journey.
With all my heart, I wish you an amazing year ahead, full of achievements.
আশা করা, প্রার্থনা করা
to ask for something in a polite manner, often expressing a desire or hope
Ditransitive: to wish sb to do sth
I wish you to join us for dinner tonight, if you ’re free.
She wished him to take a moment and reconsider his decision.
She wished the team to remain focused during the final minutes of the game.
চাহিদা, আকাঙ্খা
a feeling of desire for something or of wanting something to happen
ইচ্চা, কামনা
an expression of some desire or inclination
আকাঙ্ক্ষা, ইচ্ছা
the particular preference that you have
ইচ্ছা (ichchha), শুভকামনা (shubhokamna)
(usually plural) a polite expression used to convey a desire for someone's happiness or well-being.
She sent her best wishes for a speedy recovery.
The card included warm wishes for their future together.
He offered his heartfelt wishes for her new job.

নিকটবর্তী শব্দ