to have a result contrary to what one desired or intended
to intentionally start a small fire in order to control or prevent the spread of a larger fire
انفجر المحرك, حدث انفجار في المحرك
كارثة عكسية, رد فعل غير متوقع
a loud, sudden explosion of unburned fuel in the engine or exhaust system
What is a "backfire"?
A backfire is a situation where a vehicle's engine produces a loud popping or explosive sound, often due to a problem with the combustion process. This occurs when fuel ignites in the engine's exhaust system or outside the combustion chamber. Backfires can be caused by issues like incorrect timing, a dirty fuel system, or engine failures. While backfires can be alarming, they are usually not dangerous, but they may indicate the need for repairs or adjustments to the engine to prevent further problems.
the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired
شَطْبَة, حَرِيق مُعَاقَب
word family