Tìm kiếm
to fulminate
nổ, bùng nổ
to erupt or burst forth with sudden and intense energy
The fireworks fulminated in the night sky, filling the air with bursts of color and light.
Thunderclouds gathered ominously overhead, threatening to fulminate with a sudden storm.
The volcano began to fulminate, sending plumes of ash and smoke high into the air.
trám chửi, xuất bản tuyên bố
to proclaim or issue a denunciation, decree, or strong protest
Transitive: to fulminate a statement or decree
The author fulminated a manifesto denouncing censorship and advocating for freedom of expression.
The king fulminated a decree against dissenters, ordering their immediate arrest.
The judge fulminated a ruling, declaring the company guilty of violating antitrust laws and imposing hefty fines.
phê phán mạnh mẽ, chỉ trích nghiêm khắc
to strongly criticize or condemn
Intransitive: to fulminate against sth
The journalist fulminated against the government's handling of the crisis, accusing officials of incompetence.
She fulminated against her opponent's policies in a fiery speech.
The activist fulminated against corporate greed, denouncing companies for prioritizing profits over social responsibility.
fulminat, muối hoặc este của axit fulminic
a salt or ester of fulminic acid