Tìm kiếm
to try
cố gắng, thử
to make an effort or attempt to do or have something
Transitive: to try to do sth
He tried to lift the heavy box but it was too heavy.
I 'm going to try to study for my exam.
She tried to bake a cake but it did n't turn out well.
thử, kiểm tra
to test something by doing or using it to find out if it is suitable, useful, good, etc.
Transitive: to try a product or food
Have you tried the new flavor of ice cream at the shop?
He tried a new shampoo to see if it worked better.
He tried sushi for the first time and found it delicious.
thử, ghé thăm
to contact someone or visit somewhere in an attempt to find a particular person or to obtain a specific thing
Transitive: to try a place
Have you tried the bookstores downtown?
Let 's try the police station.
The restaurant is not serving lunch, but you could try the café next door.
thử, kiểm tra
to pull or push a window or door in order to see if it is locked or not
Transitive: to try a window or door
He tried the gate, but it was locked from the other side.
I tried the doorknob, but it was locked.
She tried the windows, but they were all sealed shut.
xét xử, thử án
to put a person on trial or investigate a case in a trial
Transitive: to try a person or case
He was tried for theft and sentenced to two years in prison.
The case was tried in a lower court before being appealed.
The judge tried the case fairly and impartially.
nỗ lực, cố gắng
an effort to achieve or do a particular thing
Despite his best try, he could n't solve the complex puzzle.
With every try, she grew more confident in her ability to master the difficult dance routine.
His half-hearted try at explaining the situation left everyone confused and unsatisfied.
try (điểm ghi trong rugby), trận ghi điểm (trong rugby)
a score achieved in rugby by carrying the ball over the opponent’s try line and grounding it
What is a "try"?
A try in rugby is a way of scoring points by grounding the ball over the opponent's try line. To score a try, a player must carry the ball into the opposition's in-goal area and touch it to the ground. A try is worth five points, and it is one of the main ways to score in rugby. After a try is scored, the team can attempt a conversion kick for additional points. Scoring a try is a key part of the game and can greatly influence the outcome of a match.

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