to agree
zgodzić się, przyznać rację
to hold the same opinion as another person about something
Intransitive: to agree with sb/sth
Transitive: to agree that
They agree that the movie was excellent.
We both agree that this is the best restaurant in town.
We all agree that we need more resources for the project.
zgodzić się, przyjąć
to accept or say yes to an idea, plan, etc.
Transitive: to agree to do sth
The boss agreed to give him a day off.
He agreed to make a speech at the event.
I agreed to join the book club next month.
zgadzać się, pasować
(grammar) to have the same grammatical number, gender, case or person
Transitive: to agree with a part of a sentence
Pronouns and verbs must agree in person and number.
The subject and verb must agree in number.
zgadzać się, odpowiadać
to correspond or conform with another element, idea, or action
Transitive: to agree with an element, idea, or action
zgadzać się, dogadać się
to reach a consensus or alignment of views, emotions, or intentions among individuals or groups
Intransitive: to agree on a condition or course of action
The friends quickly agreed on where to go for dinner.
After much discussion, the committee members finally agreed on a course of action for the project.
The neighbors were able to agree on a solution to the noise complaint.
odpowiadać, pasować
to suit an individual's needs or preferences, particularly in terms of physical well-being or comfort
Transitive: to agree with sb
After experimenting with different diets, she found that a plant-based diet agreed best with her.
They agree that the movie was excellent.
We both agree that this is the best restaurant in town.
We all agree that we need more resources for the project.

Bliskie Słowa