kleszcz, pasożyt
any small parasitic arachnid that feeds on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates
What is a "tick"?
A tick is a small arachnid that feeds on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians, known for its parasitic nature and ability to transmit diseases to its hosts. Ticks have flattened bodies and are commonly found in grassy areas, attaching themselves to the skin of animals and humans to feed. They can be carriers of various infectious agents, making them of significant concern for public health.
tyk, klik
a metallic tapping sound
lekki materac, mniejszy materac
a light mattress
znak, ptaszek
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.
to tick
tykać, pstrykać
to make a repetitive, light, clicking sound, like that of a clock or a machine
The metronome ticked rhythmically, helping the musician maintain the tempo.
The bomb timer ticked ominously, heightening the tension in the room.
The old engine in the garage started to tick as it warmed up.
oznaczyć, tykać
to signal or announce something using a ticking sound or mark
Transitive: to tick sth
The clock steadily ticked the minutes.
zakreślić, otworzyć
to make a checkmark next to an item or select an option on a list or form
Transitive: to tick an item or option
Please tick the box next to your preferred choice on the registration form.
She ticked each item off her shopping list as she found it in the store.
The teacher asked the students to tick their names on the attendance sheet.

Bliskie Słowa