재촬영, 다시 촬영
a shot or scene that is photographed again
to retake
재촬영하다, 다시 사진 찍다
to photograph something again, usually because the first attempt was unsatisfactory or to capture a different perspective
Transitive: to retake a photograph
The photographer decided to retake the picture after the lighting did n't turn out right.
The team had to retake the group photo when someone was blinking in the first shot.
The director asked the crew to retake the scene for better camera angles.
되찾다, 재차 점령하다
to claim and capture something again after losing it
Transitive: to retake something lost
The team trained hard to retake the lead in the championship game.
She needed to retake possession of her stolen wallet from the thief.
The company launched a campaign to retake market share lost to competitors.
다시 차지하다, 재차 차지하다
to regain possession or control of something that was lost or taken
Transitive: to retake a lost territory
The army successfully retook the city after a long battle.
After the defeat, the troops regrouped and planned to retake the fort.
They managed to retake the lost territory, pushing the enemy back.
재응시하다, 다시 시험을 치르다
to take an exam again after an initial attempt, typically to improve one's score or performance
Transitive: to retake an exam
She retakes the exam next week to improve her grade.
He retook the test last month but did n't score as well as he had hoped.
They have retaken the assessment multiple times to meet the passing requirement.