elvörösödik, vörösre vált
öblíteni, leöblíteni
árad, ömlik
öblíteni, takarítani
kimosni, öblíteni
kiigazít, simára
pirulni, világítani
öblítés, lemosó
What is a "flush"?
A flush refers to the mechanism or action that sends water from a tank or system through the toilet bowl to wash away its contents into the plumbing. Flush systems can vary, such as manual levers, buttons, or automatic sensors, but they all serve the purpose of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene by clearing waste effectively.
pír, pírma
legmagasabb jólét időszaka, fellendülés
pírulás, flush
egy áramlás, egy kiáramlás
flush, szín
What is a "flush"?
A flush is a poker hand that consists of five cards of the same suit, but not in any particular order. For example, five hearts or five spades make a flush. It is ranked above a straight but below a full house in the standard poker hand rankings. If two players have a flush, the hand with the highest card wins. If the highest cards are the same, the next highest card is compared, and so on. A flush is a strong hand, but it is not as strong as a full house or four of a kind.
hullám, felszökés
egyenletes, szintben
jólét, gazdag