to venture
merészkedik, kockázatot vállal
to undertake a risky or daring journey or course of action
Intransitive: to venture somewhere
It took courage for the astronauts to venture into outer space where one small error could prove fatal.
After years of saving, they finally ventured around the world on their dream trip, hoping everything would go smoothly.
He ventured across the country to start a new life in an unfamiliar city.
merészkedni, kockáztatni
to boldly or audaciously do or say something, often with a hint of hesitation or politeness
Transitive: to venture to do sth
I would venture to say that this is the best solution to the problem, though I may be wrong.
She ventured to ask if he might reconsider his decision, even though it seemed bold.
He ventured to suggest a new idea, unsure if it would be well received.
kockáztat, vállal
to intentionally expose something of personal importance or value to the possibility of loss
Transitive: to venture something valuable
After several unsuccessful startups, he was hesitant to venture his life savings on another business idea.
The wealthy investor was only willing to venture small amounts of cash on the speculative new technology companies.
Soldiers will often venture their lives in battle to serve and protect their country.
vállalkozás, kockázatos vállalkozás
any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome
vállalkozás, kockázatos vállalkozás
a business activity that is mostly very risky
They started a new venture in the tech industry, knowing the risks.
The venture into international markets proved challenging.
Investors were hesitant to fund the risky venture.
vállalkozás, kockázatos vállalat
a commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit

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