to scan
بررسی کردن
to examine something or someone very carefully and thoroughly
Transitive: to scan sth
The auditor scans the financial records to detect any discrepancies.
The security guard will scan the bags of passengers before they enter the airport.
The scientist will scan the images from the microscope to analyze the cellular structure.
سریع خواندن
to quickly read a document or other text without paying attention to details, only to find the information one needs
Transitive: to scan a document or text
She scans the newspaper headlines to catch up on current events.
Right now, I am scanning the document for key points.
The researcher is scanning the articles to gather relevant data.
اسکن گرفتن (پزشکی), سیتی اسکن گرفتن
(of a medical device) to take a picture of a body part often using X-rays for detailed examinations by a specialist
Transitive: to scan a body part
The technician scanned the woman's abdomen to monitor the growth of the fetus.
The radiologist scanned the patient's spine to look for signs of injury or degeneration.
The ultrasound technician scanned the pregnant woman's belly to monitor the health of the fetus.
اسکن کردن, خواندن
to read or input data using an electronic device, such as a scanner or barcode reader
Transitive: to scan data
She scanned the QR code with her smartphone to access additional information.
The librarian scanned the book's barcode to check it out to the patron.
She scanned the ticket at the entrance gate to gain admission to the event.
تحلیل کردن, بررسی کردن
to analyze or evaluate verse to ensure it adheres to metrical principles
Transitive: to scan verse
The poet scanned each line of his poem to ensure it maintained the desired iambic pentameter.
She carefully scanned her sonnet to ensure that each stanza followed the established rhyme scheme.
The student scanned the poem aloud to determine if it flowed smoothly and rhythmically.
اسکن کردن, پرتو افکنی کردن
to cause a beam or similar source of light to move across a surface or object
Transitive: to scan a source of light somewhere
The technician scanned the laser beam across the circuit board to detect any defects.
The security guard scanned the flashlight across the dark alley to search for intruders.
The barcode scanner scanned the laser beam across the product label to read the barcode.
اسکن کردن (مترادف), سنجیدن (به لحاظ وزن)
(of a poem) to adhere to established metrical principles
The sonnet scans perfectly in iambic pentameter, with each line consisting of five iambs.
Despite its irregular rhyme scheme, the poem scans flawlessly.
The ballad scans smoothly, with alternating lines of tetrameter and trimeter creating a rhythmic pattern.
اسکن کردن (کامپیوتر)
(of a computer program) to examine applications or digital files in order to detect any viruses or malware
Transitive: to scan digital applications or files
The antivirus software scanned the entire hard drive for any signs of malicious software.
He scanned the downloaded files before opening them to ensure they were free from viruses.
The IT department regularly scans employees' computers for potential security threats.
اسکن کردن (عکس و مدارک)
to create a digital form of a picture or a document to store, edit, or view it on a computer
Transitive: to scan a picture or document
She scanned the old family photos to preserve them digitally.
He scanned the contract and emailed it to his lawyer for review.
The office assistant scanned the receipts and invoices to keep track of expenses.
اسکن, سیتی اسکن
a medical test during which data is obtained by the images produced using a sensing device that examines organs or regions of the body
What is a "scan"?
A scan is a test that uses technology to create images of the inside of the body. It helps doctors see and evaluate organs, tissues, and structures to diagnose and monitor health conditions. Different types of scans include CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasound scans, each using different methods to produce images. The results from a scan can provide important information for diagnosing illnesses, planning treatments, and evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing treatments.
The doctor ordered a scan to get a clear image of the patient's lungs.
She went to the hospital for an MRI scan to check for any abnormalities.
The ultrasound scan revealed the baby's position in the womb.
سیستماتیک, اسکن
the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region