What is an "overture"?
An overture is an instrumental piece of music that is played at the beginning of an opera, ballet, oratorio, or other large musical work. It introduces the themes and mood of the work, setting the stage for what is to come. The overture often includes melodies and motifs that will be heard later in the performance, giving the audience a preview of the music and helping to create anticipation for the main event.
The opera began with a dramatic overture, hinting at the emotional journey that would unfold on stage.
The composer 's overture beautifully encapsulated the themes of the entire symphony, serving as an engaging introduction for the listeners.
The conductor explained that the overture originally served to prepare the audience for the mood and themes of the upcoming performance.
پیشنهاد اولیه
a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
مقدمه, پیشنهاد
an introductory action, event, or offer that leads to something more significant
The peace talks were merely an overture to more intense negotiations that followed.
The CEO ’s email served as an overture to the major policy changes announced later.
The opening remarks were just an overture to the day ’s lengthy discussions.

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