What is a "shower"?
A shower is a plumbing fixture used for washing the body with a spray of water. It typically consists of a showerhead, a faucet or controls for adjusting water temperature and pressure, and a drain to remove used water. Showers are often built into bathrooms, with walls or curtains to contain the water. The water flows from the showerhead, either directly from a pipe or from a water heater, and is directed onto the person standing underneath. Showers are a common and convenient way to clean oneself, providing a quick and efficient alternative to baths.
přeháňka, dešťová přeháňka
bouřka, déšť
oslava, dárek
kurátor, organizátor výstavy
osprchovat se, vzít si sprchu
pršet, sněžit
pokropit, sprchovat
vylít, záplava
zavlažovat, obdarovat