Tìm kiếm
to behave
cư xử, hành động
to act in a particular way
Despite the challenging situation, he continued to behave calmly.
The dog was trained to behave obediently in public places.
It 's important to behave responsibly when driving on the roads.
cư xử, hành động
to act in a manner that is considered appropriate, well-mannered, or adhering to social norms and rules
During the wedding ceremony, the children were instructed to behave themselves.
He promised his parents he would behave himself at the dinner party.
The teacher told the students to behave themselves on the school trip.
cư xử, hành động đúng cách
to request someone to act appropriately or according to expected standards, often used politely
" Please behave while we're at the restaurant, " his mother gently reminded him.
The teacher asked the students to behave during the field trip.
" Behave for the babysitter tonight, " the parents instructed their children.
cư xử, phản ứng
(chemistry) to react in a particular way because of the laws
The compound behaves differently when exposed to high temperatures, following the laws of thermodynamics.
Certain chemicals behave predictably in acidic environments due to their molecular structure.
The catalyst behaves as expected, speeding up the reaction without being consumed.

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