to sear
висихати, підсохнути
to become dry or withered, usually due to heat or lack of water
The leaves began to sear in the intense heat of the summer.
The plants seared under the hot sun, wilting and losing their color.
The flowers seared quickly as the temperature rose above 100 degrees.
обжарити, спалити
to lightly burn the surface of something with intense heat
Transitive: to sear surface of something
She accidentally seared her hand on the hot stove.
The intense flames seared the edges of the wood, leaving black marks.
The intense heat from the furnace seared the paint off the old door.
опікти, запекти
to make something dry up or wither, typically from intense heat
Transitive: to sear a plant
The hot wind seared the plants, leaving them wilted and dry.
The drought seared the crops, causing the fields to turn brown.
The scorching sun seared the flowers, causing them to lose their vibrant colors.
замарити, припекти
to develop a superficial burn on the surface, usually due to exposure to intense heat or flame
Transitive: to sear a person or their skin
The sun seared his back as he worked outside without sunscreen.
The blast of heat from the oven seared her face as she opened the door.
The hot cup of coffee seared his tongue when he took a sip too quickly.
обсмажити, прижарити
to quickly cook the surface of food at high heat to develop a crust or color
Transitive: to sear food
The chef seared the steak on high heat to create a caramelized crust.
He seared the fish fillets in a hot pan to lock in moisture and flavor.
The torch seared the surface of the marshmallow, giving it a crispy texture.
обсохлий, висохлий
(used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture

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