What is a "climax"?
A climax is the most intense or crucial moment in a story, play, or film where the central conflict reaches its peak. It is the point of highest tension and drama, often leading to a turning point or major change in the narrative. The climax is crucial for resolving the main conflict and setting up the subsequent events that lead to the resolution of the story.
to climax
The film's climax featured a thrilling showdown between the hero and the antagonist, culminating in a dramatic confrontation.
She carefully crafted the climax of the play to elicit maximum emotional impact from the audience.
The climax of the movie revealed the protagonist's true identity, unraveling a series of shocking revelations.
The climax of the novel left readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the resolution.
The climax of the play marked a turning point in the protagonist's journey, leading to a profound transformation.
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