to act up
[phrase form: act]
to cause regular discomfort or pain, often related to a physical illness or health issue
His old knee injury acts up every time it rains, causing him pain.
When her back starts acting up, she has trouble with daily activities.
The arthritis in his hands acts up more during cold weather.
to behave in an improper manner, often disregarding rules or social norms
During the class, some students tend to act up and disrupt the lesson.
Children may act up when they are seeking attention from their parents.
It 's essential to address the students who act up in the classroom to maintain order.
(of mechanical devices, technology, or equipment) to not work properly
My old computer tends to act up whenever I run multiple applications.
The printer started acting up, and we could n't get it to print the documents.
The car 's engine acted up, and it suddenly stopped on the highway.
to be temporarily assigned to a higher position within an organization or role
Due to the manager 's illness, I had to act up as the team leader for a week.
While our supervisor is on maternity leave, John will act up as the interim department head.
She acted up as the project leader during the director's sabbatical.

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