khawatir, cemas
mengikis, menggerus
mengikis, merusak
membuat tidak nyaman, menyebabkan lecet
mengukir, menghias
menggores, membuat corak
mengkhawatirkan, mengganggu
Mengganggu, Mengiritasi
menggores, meresahkan
menambah fret, memasang fret
fret, garis pada leher alat musik
What is a "fret"?
A fret is a small, raised strip found on the neck of stringed instruments like guitars, basses, and mandolins. Frets are usually made of metal and are placed at specific distances along the neck. Pressing a string down behind a fret changes the vibrating length of the string, which then changes the pitch of the note. Frets help musicians play notes accurately and easily, providing a clear guide for finger placement.
fret, ornamen garis
lekukan, kekosongan
kerisauan, kekhawatiran