to relate
menghubungkan, mengaitkan
to make or show a logical connection between two things
Ditransitive: to relate sth to sth
The historian 's book relates the personal stories of individuals to the broader historical context of a significant era.
In her presentation, the speaker related economic trends to the global market, providing valuable insights for the audience.
The teacher encouraged students to relate mathematical concepts to real-world applications for better understanding.
berhubungan dengan, terkait dengan
to be linked or connected in a cause-and-effect relationship
Transitive: to relate to a cause or outcome
The decrease in air quality in urban areas often relates to increased vehicular emissions.
The rise in global temperatures relates directly to increased carbon emissions from human activities.
In the field of psychology, certain behaviors may relate to underlying emotional experiences.
menceritakan, mendongeng
to narrate or recount a story, event, or series of events
Transitive: to relate a narrative
During the interview, the witness related the sequence of events with clarity.
The historian skillfully relates the events leading to the revolution.
In the documentary, survivors relate their experiences, offering a firsthand account of the natural disaster 's impact on their lives.
berhubungan secara keluarga, memiliki hubungan darah
to have a familial connection through shared ancestry, blood relations, or marriage
Intransitive: to relate through a common factor
In a close-knit community, individuals often relate not just as neighbors but as an extended family.
As cousins, they relate not only through blood but also through the shared experiences of growing up in the same family.
The genealogical study revealed distant relatives who relate through common ancestors and lineage.
berhubungan, membuat koneksi
to establish a meaningful connection or relationship with someone based on shared experiences, emotions, or understanding
Transitive: to relate to sb | to relate to someone's emotions
Employees in the small company often relate closely to each other, creating a tight-knit work environment.
The historian's book relates the personal stories of individuals to the broader historical context of a significant era.
In her presentation, the speaker related economic trends to the global market, providing valuable insights for the audience.
The teacher encouraged students to relate mathematical concepts to real-world applications for better understanding.
The architect was able to relate the building design to the cultural influences of the community.
The scientist was able to relate the observed patterns in the data to the underlying principles of the experiment.
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