She took a step backward to create some space.
The car suddenly moved backward, causing a minor collision.
The chair tilted backward when he leaned too far.
She counted backward from 50 to help calm her mind.
When asked to recite the alphabet backward, she started confidently with Z.
During the rehearsal, the director asked the actors to perform the scene backward.
The project moved backward due to unforeseen challenges.
The story moved backward to reveal the character ’s past.
He glanced backward at the childhood home before leaving.
به سمت وضعیتی کمتر مطلوب, به سوی وضعیت نامطلوب تر
toward a less favorable state
His health seemed to be moving backward after the treatment.
The company's decision to cut corners led them backward in customer satisfaction.
Her attitude became backward after the difficult conversation.
The backward movement of the car was unexpected.
The backward orientation of the camera captured the scene behind the subject.
The backward trajectory of the ball indicated a mistake in the player's shot.
The backward student hesitated to approach the teacher after class.
His backward attitude at the party made it hard for him to make new friends.
The backward employee avoided taking on leadership roles at work.
The backward student struggled to keep up with the rest of the class.
The backward child found it hard to grasp the new concept quickly.
She was considered backward in understanding complex ideas compared to her peers.
The nation 's backward industries struggle to compete on the global market.
The backward educational system has caused a gap in learning opportunities.
The region ’s backward healthcare system needs significant improvement.
The project took a backward turn when key members resigned.
The company's backward policies caused it to lose its competitive edge.
She made a backward decision to leave the job, only to regret it later.

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