(plural) another way of saying quotation marks
What are "quotes"?
Quotes are punctuation marks used to enclose direct speech, written dialogue, or text that is being cited from another source. They typically come in pairs, either as double quotes (“ ”) or single quotes (‘ ’). For example, in the sentence "The teacher asked, 'Are you ready?'" the quotes indicate the exact words spoken by the teacher. Quotes are also used to highlight specific terms or phrases, making it clear that the enclosed text is significant or borrowed from another source. By clearly marking spoken or cited content, quotes help maintain accuracy and clarity in writing.
a sentence from a speech, book, etc. that is repeated somewhere else because it is wise or interesting
to use a specific statement, source, etc. as evidence or an example
to say the exact sentence or group of words someone else used in a movie, book, etc.
to indicate or signify the beginning of a direct quotation
to estimate how much money something will cost