ocas, chvost
the part of the body of an animal, a bird or a fish that sticks out at the back, which can move
My cat has a long and bushy tail.
My friend 's lizard can detach its tail when threatened.
The kangaroo uses its tail for balance while hopping.
The coach gave him a playful tap on his tail to get him moving.
She slipped on the ice and landed on her tail with a yelp.
Sitting on that hard bench all day made his tail sore.
konec, závěr
the time of the last part of something
ocas, chvost
any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
záď, chvost
the rear part of a ship
ocasek, konstrukce za letadlem
The rear section of an aircraft, comprising the horizontal and vertical stabilizers, essential for maintaining stability and control in flight
The mechanics checked the tail of the aircraft for any signs of wear and tear.
The tail of the plane played a crucial role in keeping it stable during turbulence.
He pointed out the logo painted on the tail of the airline's fleet.
He flipped the coin and called " heads, " but it landed on tail.
The tail of the coin featured a national emblem.
After flipping the coin, the tail was up, meaning they lost.
špeh, sledující
a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
spodní okraj, spodní část hřbetu knihy
the bottom edge of the book's pages or the lower part of the book's spine
What is the "tail"?
The tail refers to the bottom edge of a book’s pages or the lower part of the book’s spine. It is the edge opposite the head, which is the top edge. and can be an important aspect of the book’s design and binding. In bookbinding, the tail is where the book’s spine and pages come together at the bottom, and it can affect how the book sits on a shelf and is handled.
to tail
sledovat, pronásledovat
to follow closely with the aim of catching or observing
Transitive: to tail sb/sth
The detective decided to tail the suspect discreetly.
Paparazzi photographers often tail celebrities to capture exclusive photos of their daily lives.
The wildlife researcher needed to tail the elusive snow leopard to study its behavior in its natural habitat.
odříznout ocas, uříznout ocas
to cut off the tail of an animal
Transitive: to tail an animal
The veterinarian had to tail the injured dog after a serious accident to prevent infection.
Farmers often tail lambs shortly after birth as a standard practice in sheep husbandry.
The zookeepers had to tail the injured primate to facilitate its recovery.
okrájet, ustřihnout
to cut off the stalks or ends of fruits or vegetables as part of the preparation process
Transitive: to tail a fruit or vegetable
Before making the salad, the chef needed to tail the strawberries by removing their stems.
The recipe instructed the cook to tail the green beans before blanching them for the stir-fry.
The home gardener spent time tailing the cherry tomatoes before adding them to the fresh salsa.
sledovat, stínit
to drive closely behind another car, typically in a way that may be considered aggressive or dangerous
He was tailing the car in front of him so closely that it made the driver nervous.
Stop tailing me, it ’s making me uncomfortable!
She had to speed up to avoid being tailed by the impatient driver behind her.