Tìm kiếm
After years of research, they finally discovered a cure.
Sau nhiều năm nghiên cứu, họ cuối cùng đã phát hiện ra phương thuốc.
Scientists are working to find a cure for cancer.
Các nhà khoa học đang làm việc để tìm một phương thuốc cho bệnh ung thư.
to cure
chữa, điều trị
to make someone regain their health
Transitive: to cure a disease
Antibiotics are often prescribed to cure bacterial infections.
Medical advancements have led to the development of vaccines that can cure certain diseases.
chữa khỏi, hồi phục
to become healthy again
After weeks of rest and medication, the patient finally began to cure.
With time and adequate care, the wound gradually cured.
ướp, bảo quản
to preserve or flavor food by treating it with salt, sugar, or spices
Transitive: to cure food
They cured the salmon by covering it with a mixture of salt, sugar, and dill, resulting in a flavorful gravlax.
The chef cured the pork belly with a blend of spices and brown sugar before smoking it to make bacon.
giải quyết, khắc phục
to solve a problem or deal with an issue
Transitive: to cure a problem or issue
His quick thinking helped cure the problem before it escalated.
The new policy aims to cure the issue of overcrowded classrooms.
ướp, đưa vào tình trạng bảo quản
to become preserved, especially through a process like drying, smoking, or fermenting
The meat will cure over several days in the smokehouse.
The cheese began to cure as it sat in the cool cellar.
cứng hóa, hóa rắn
to harden a material, such as rubber or concrete, through a chemical process
Transitive: to cure a material
The factory uses heat to cure the rubber before it can be molded into tires.
It takes time to cure the epoxy resin before it becomes solid.

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