Tìm kiếm
to trace
truy tìm, theo dõi
to find someone or something, often by following a series of clues or evidence
Transitive: to trace sb/sth
The detectives traced the stolen artwork to an underground art market.
The archaeologist frequently traces ancient civilizations through the study of artifacts.
They recently traced the hacker's IP address to a foreign country.
vạch, phác ra
to carefully copy or reproduce a design or image by following its lines or contours onto another surface, typically using transparent sheet
Transitive: to trace a drawing or design
She traced the drawing onto a new piece of paper using a pencil.
She used a transparent sheet to trace the design for her project.
The student traced the shapes to practice drawing more accurately.
theo dõi, tìm kiếm
to find someone or something by searching for them
Transitive: to trace sb/sth
The detective traced the missing person after weeks of searching.
After a long search, he traced his childhood friend online.
The detective traced the criminal across the city.
vạch, vẽ
to draw a line or pattern using your finger or toe
Transitive: to trace a shape or pattern
She traced a heart on the foggy window with her finger.
He traced the shape of the letter with his toe in the sand.
He traced a pattern in the dust while waiting.
theo dõi, đi theo
to follow a specific path or route
Transitive: to trace a path
The hikers traced the mountain trail to the summit.
We decided to trace the old road through the forest.
They traced the river ’s course to find the source.
theo dõi, truy tìm
to research or follow the history or development of something
Transitive: to trace history or origins of something
The historian traced the origins of the ancient civilization.
She traced the development of the technology over the last century.
They traced the family ’s ancestry back to the 1600s.
dấu vết
a just detectable amount
dấu vết, chứng tích
an indication or evidence of the former presence or existence of something
đường nét, hình
a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
dấu vết, đường đi
either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
dấu vết, gợi ý
a suggestion of some quality
dấu vết, vết tích
a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle

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