invalid, persoană cu dizabilități
a person who is too ill or disabled to care for themselves or participate in normal activities
The caregivers were trained to attend to the needs of invalids, ensuring their well-being.
The invalid ’s room was equipped with medical devices to help with mobility and health monitoring.
The family did their best to care for their invalid relative, ensuring she was comfortable.
to invalid
a invalida, a incapacita
to injure or disable someone, making them incapable of functioning or taking care of themselves
The accident invalided him, leaving him unable to work for months.
The battle left many soldiers invalided by serious injuries.
A fall from the ladder invalided her, and she had to rely on help.
invalidare, a demite
to discharge or excuse someone from a position or role because they are no longer physically capable due to an illness or injury
He was invalided from the army after a severe knee injury.
She was invalided from active duty and reassigned to desk work for recovery.
A chronic illness invalided him from the workforce for months.
The judge ruled the contract invalid due to discrepancies in its terms.
Her driver 's license was deemed invalid because it had expired.
The defendant 's argument was dismissed as invalid by the court.
invalid, nevalid
logically flawed or unsupported by evidence
His argument was invalid because it lacked proper evidence to back his claims.
The judge dismissed the case, stating the lawyer 's reasoning was invalid.
The debate ended early when one side presented an invalid argument.
The once-vibrant man became invalid after his stroke left him unable to walk.
Her invalid father was confined to a wheelchair after a serious accident.
Her invalid cousin required constant care due to her chronic condition.

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