The ice had formed into a solid block after being left in the freezer overnight.
She felt the solid ground beneath her feet as she walked along the path.
The statue was carved from solid marble, giving it a timeless quality.
uniform, solid
having a uniform color without any patterns, gradients, or mixed shades
She wore a solid blue dress to the party.
The walls were painted a solid white to make the room look bigger.
He prefers solid colors for his car, without any flashy designs.
solid, rezistent
having a strong and sturdy structure
The solid wooden desk was built to withstand years of heavy use and still look pristine.
The architect designed a solid foundation for the building to ensure its long-term stability.
The solid steel frame of the bridge provided the necessary support for heavy traffic.
solid, masiv
having no holes or voids inside
The sculptor carved the statue from a solid piece of marble, ensuring its durability.
The manufacturer advertised their new product as being made from solid steel for added strength.
The solid walls of the cave provided a natural barrier against the elements.
The sculpture was carved from a solid block of marble.
He wore a solid gold ring that had been passed down through generations.
The table was made from solid oak, ensuring its durability.
text solid, text compact
characterized by tightly arranged text with minimal spacing between lines, creating a uniform appearance
The designer opted for a solid text format to enhance the document's readability.
In academic papers, a solid line spacing often gives a more polished look.
The solid typesetting style contributed to the book's modern and sleek aesthetic.
solid, masiv
possessing height, width, and depth, making it a physical object rather than a flat or hollow form
The artist created a solid sculpture that captivated viewers with its intricate details.
In geometry class, we learned about solid shapes such as cubes, spheres, and pyramids.
The architect designed a solid structure that could withstand extreme weather conditions.
solid, fiabil
reliable and consistently good, but not necessarily exceptional
The company had a year of solid growth, meeting all its targets steadily.
Both actors delivered a solid performance, earning them a round of applause.
His gameplay was solid, providing the team with a dependable anchor.
The lawyer presented solid arguments that strengthened her case in court.
His proposal was backed by solid research, making it hard to dispute.
She had solid reasons for changing her career path after years of consideration.
solid, neîntrerupt
lasting without interruption or break
He studied for five solid hours before the exam.
We worked a solid week on the project to meet the deadline.
They spent three solid days hiking through the mountains.
Ice is a solid that maintains its shape until it melts.
In chemistry class, we learned about the properties of solids compared to liquids and gases.
During the experiment, we observed how the solid changed when heated.
corp solid, solid
(geometry) a shape that is not two-dimensional because it has height, width, and length
A cube is an example of a solid shape with six faces, all of which are squares.
The sphere is a solid shape with all points equidistant from its center, resembling a perfectly round ball.
Solids can be classified into different types such as prisms, pyramids, spheres, and cylinders based on their geometric properties.
solid, în mod solid
in a firm or uninterrupted manner
She studied solid in a focused manner for three hours before the exam.
They played solid in a determined manner throughout the entire match.
The crew worked solid in a diligent manner all night to finish the project.

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