to evade
evadir, eludir
to deliberately avoid facing or fulfilling something difficult, unpleasant, or obligatory
Transitive: to evade a responsibility or obligation
The clever politician will attempt to evade direct answers to sensitive questions during the press conference.
The defendant 's lawyer tries to evade responsibility by shifting blame to external factors during the trial.
The company tries to evade taxes by exploiting legal loopholes in the tax code.
evadir, eludir
to escape or be difficult for someone to grasp, understand, or achieve
Transitive: to evade sb
evadir, eludir
to get away from or avoid someone or something, often using cleverness or deceit
Transitive: to evade sb/sth
evadir, escapar
to escape or move away quietly or unnoticed
The clever politician will attempt to evade direct answers to sensitive questions during the press conference.
The defendant's lawyer tries to evade responsibility by shifting blame to external factors during the trial.
The company tries to evade taxes by exploiting legal loopholes in the tax code.
The cunning thief managed to evade the security guards and escape from the museum.
Despite the reporter's persistent questions, the celebrity skillfully evaded discussing their private life.

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