to surmount
superar, vencer
to successfully overcome challenges or difficulties
Transitive: to surmount challenges or difficulties
She worked hard to surmount the obstacles in her academic journey and graduated with honors.
Teams collaborate to surmount project challenges and achieve successful outcomes.
Businesses strategize to surmount market competition and achieve sustained growth.
sobrepujar, dominar
to be positioned above or on top of something
Transitive: to surmount sth
The statue surmounts the pedestal, towering over the courtyard below.
The flagpole once surmounted the roof of the old building, but it was removed during renovations.
Tomorrow, the banner will surmount the entrance, welcoming guests to the grand opening ceremony.
superar, exceder
to exceed or be better than something in terms of quality, achievement, or ability
Transitive: to surmount a quality or achievement
Her performance surmounted all expectations, earning her a standing ovation.
Their achievements surmounted those of previous generations, setting new records.
Over time, his ability to solve complex problems surmounted that of his peers.
superar, escalar
to reach the top of something by climbing it
Transitive: to surmount an elevated surface
They managed to surmount the steep mountain after days of climbing.
He surmounted the hill with ease, enjoying the view from the top.
After hours of hiking, they finally surmounted the peak of the mountain.

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