to trust
vertrouwen, geloven
to believe that someone is sincere, reliable, or competent
Ditransitive: to trust sb to do sth
Transitive: to trust sb
She regularly trusts her colleagues to complete tasks efficiently.
The manager often trusts the team to make informed decisions.
Yesterday, he trusted his friend to handle an important project.
vertrouwen, geloven
to believe that something is accurate, true, or reliable
Transitive: to trust sth
Right now, the scientist is actively trusting the results of the ongoing experiment.
By the time they reviewed the documents, they had already trusted the authenticity of the records.
They trust their doctor ’s advice completely.
vertrouwen, toevertrouwen
to allow someone to act freely because you believe they will act responsibly
Ditransitive: to trust sb to do sth
They trust their kids to stay home alone for a few hours.
He trusted his assistant to handle the meeting in his absence.
I trust you to make the right decision for the team.
vertrouwen op, geloof hechten aan
to rely on something or someone with confidence
Transitive: to trust in sth
She trusted in her skills to lead the team to victory.
They trust in the power of education to change lives.
You need to trust in the process and be patient.
vertrouwen, geloven
to believe strongly that something will happen as desired or expected
Transitive: to trust that
I trust everything will work out in the end.
They trust that their hard work will lead to success.
She trusts he ’ll arrive on time for the meeting.
vertrouwen, toevertrouwen
to give someone or something to another's care, believing they will keep it safe
Ditransitive: to trust sb/sth to sb
They trusted their dog to a neighbor while they went on vacation.
He trusted the valuable painting to the museum for display.
We trust our documents to this courier service for delivery.
te leen geven, op krediet verkopen
to let someone buy something now and pay for it later
Transitive: to trust sb
The shopkeeper trusted her for the groceries until payday.
The store agreed to trust him for the items he urgently needed.
The bakery trusted its best customers during tough times.
vertrouwen, vertrouwenband
the strong belief that someone is honest or something is true and so we can count on them
Their long history of friendship created a bond of trust between them.
Open communication and transparency are essential for building trust in relationships.
The child 's trust in her parents was unwavering, knowing they would always be there for her.
trust, fiducia
something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary)
vertrouwen, vertrouwen gebaseerd op vorige ervaringen
certainty based on past experience
vertrouwen, geloof
complete confidence in a person or plan etc
trust, kartel
a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service
vertrouwen, vertrouwnieuw
a trustful relationship

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